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Pôle Sûreté Nucléaire- EXPertise de sûreté
Dernières publications
Joe Maalouf, Hugo Gérard Jacques Cagnon, Jérôme Verdier, Stéphane Multon, Jacques Jabbour, et al.. Impact of Alkali-Silica Reaction and Delayed Ettringite Formation-induced cracking on air permeability and water diffusivity in concrete. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2025, 22, pp.e04183. ⟨10.1016/j.cscm.2024.e04183⟩. ⟨hal-04871079v2⟩
Sylvain Lansou, Luca Ammirabile, Nikolai Bakouta, Jeremy Bittan, Sebastian Buchholz, et al.. ELSMOR – towards European Licensing of Small Modular Reactors: Methodology recommendations for light-water small modular reactors safety assessment. Open Research Europe, 2024, 3, pp.158. ⟨10.12688/openreseurope.16360.2⟩. ⟨irsn-04890647⟩
Teddy Fritel, Guillaume Kioseyian, Dominique Corbin, Krystel Dropsy, David Bouhjiti, et al.. IRSN Level 2 PSA for the French 1300 Mwe PWRs Series: Some New Features in the Updated Version. 17th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management & Asian Symposium on Risk Assessment and Management (PSAM17&ASRAM2024), IAPSAM - International Association for Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, Oct 2024, Sendai, Japan. ⟨irsn-04773957⟩
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