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Dernières publications
Georges Repetto, Quentin Grando, Stephane Eymery, Richard van Lochem. COAL Experiments Investigating the Reflooding of a 7 × 7 Rod Bundle During a Loss-of-Coolant Accident: Effect of a Partially Blocked Area with Ballooned Rods. Nuclear Science and Engineering, In press, pp.1-18. ⟨10.1080/00295639.2024.2437934⟩. ⟨irsn-04879532⟩
Georges Repetto, Quentin Grando, Stephane Eymery, R. van Lochem. COAL reflooding experiments during a loss of coolant Accident: Effect of the water flow rate, the pressure and the rod power with ballooned rods. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2024, 429, pp.113641. ⟨10.1016/j.nucengdes.2024.113641⟩. ⟨irsn-04751843⟩
Ahmed Bentaib, Renaud Meignen, Laurent Cantrel, Sandrine Morin, Georges Repetto. On the progress made in safety assessment and severe accident management as part of the french Fukushima post-accident research programme. The 11th European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research (ERMSAR2024), Königlich Technische Hochschule Stockholm (KTH), May 2024, Stockholm, Sweden. ⟨irsn-04858131⟩
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