The EURADOS CR-39 Quality task for the optimisation and harmonisation of personal neutron dosimetry with CR-39 (PADC)
Abstract CR-39 (PADC) nuclear track detectors are among the most widespread devices used for personal neutron dosimetry; however, some issues related to the variable material quality of the CR-39 polymer hinder the performance of CR-39-based dosemeters. For this reason, the Working Group 2 (WG2) of the European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS) has recently launched the CR-39 Quality task, a project aimed at improving and harmonising personal neutron dosimetry with CR-39 in Europe. Whitin this task, a close collaboration among researchers, individual monitoring services and dosemeter grade CR-39 manufacturers is achieved, thus facilitating the direct dialog between producer and consumer to reach an optimised material for personal neutron dosimetry applications.